Moving opera forward

  • Digital Strategy
  • Information Architecture
  • User Experience
  • Data Modelling
  • CMS Implementation
  • Website Build
  • Membership System
  • Integrations
  • Payments

OperaAMERICA is dedicated to moving opera forward both as art and industry in North America. It was our privilege to work with an organisation that so passionately believes, intelligently articulates and proudly delivers their mission. We were challenged to bring order to a large and disparate content body, to create a structure & design that would better serve the needs of industry, to promote learning and advancement amongst participants in the art form, and to inspire further engagement with the opera-curious.

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Compelling membership

As an organisation sustained by membership, OA needs to continually deliver value to its members. Our job went well beyond content structure, design and management to include digitally transforming the tools that connect opera-making in North America together. Amongst these are the National Opera Calendar - a system for listing and discovering performances across the continent - the opera job board, the artist directory, and the National Opera Center.

Harnessing the system

A website system this complex requires great management tools to preserve its original vision over the years it will be in service. It also needs to deliver consistently at speed, while scaling for growing content and traffic volume. We built a decoupled architecture using open-source CMS, Lucene for filtering and caching, and bespoke systems to manage membership, jobs, calendars, events and more

A digital future

We continue to work with OA to reduce friction through the judicious application of digital transformation to their membership services. TPA created a fully digital membership flow that handles individual artist and corporate membership sign-up & renewal, ad-hoc donation, custom paywall, and included payment and membership database integration.


  • Membership usage
  • Time on site
  • Audience
    Across demographics

Do you have a project we can help you with?
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